Tawatawa News

Thursday 28 June

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Matariki last night 

Thanks to all who came and helped us celebrate last night. The children did an amazing job with their singing and the teachers did a great job of feeding everyone. It is so heartwarming to be able to bring the community together and celebrate Matariki. If anyone has any photos they wouldn’t mind sharing, we would love to see them! We hope you enjoy a lovely day with your whānau tomorrow. 

Year 7 & 8 in 2025 - Wednesday 24 July 6 - 7pm

We would love the opportunity to talk to our Year 6 parents about Year 7 & 8 next year. One of the great things about a full primary is that we can tailor our programmes to suit the group of children who will be here. This will be a chance to talk about Year 7 & 8 at a full primary, hear from you and answer any questions you might have.  

Mid Year Reporting

We are trialing a different way of doing our mid-year reporting this year.  We have heard from parents that they want clear and easy to understand information so they can see where their child is with their learning.  A one pager will be emailed out next week to show you what level they are at for reading, writing and maths. This can then be discussed at the learning conference early next term. To see the examples of their learning, you can look at
Spotlight on the app where you will find uploaded work. Any questions about how to access this, get in touch with the office. 

Super Star Runners 

All our competitors did amazingly well at the cross country Interzones competition! An especially big congratulations to Alex (Year 4), Greta (Year 5) and Victor (Year 7) who came in the top 10. They are going on to represent Wellington in the upcoming Regional Cross Country event. Best of luck for Tuesday! 

Ordering School Photos 

Orders will be open from Term 3 and any photos ordered during the first two weeks help raise money for our school.  

Vogelmorn Foundation - Grant received!

Thank you to the Vogelmorn Foundation for providing us with money to go towards tutoring for our at-risk learners. 

Upcoming Events

  • Matariki Public Holiday - Friday 28th June

  • Year 7 & 8 Sculpture Walk - 2 July

  • Year 5 - 8s Māori Cultural Walking Tour and city trip - 4 July 

  • End of term hui - 5th July at 2.15pm

  • Last day of term Friday 5th July

  • First day of term 22 July

  • VBC catch up with Sarah and Julie/Harriette

  • Learning Conferences 29 and 30 July

  • Pedal Ready - Year 6 - 8s on Fridays for four weeks from 2 August

  • Teacher Only Day 23 August

  • Year 7 & 8 Camp 17 - 20 September

Sarah Patterson
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School

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