Tawatawa News

Thursday 7 June

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Pre-loved clothing sale!

This is happening tomorrow! Start time of 12. You can still bring baked goods in to sell and drop them at school between 10 and 11 tomorrow morning.  Also, we are opening the sale with kapa haka so if you have children keen to perform, they can come about 11.45 we can get them in their kapa haka uniforms. This is an opportunity to show the community how great we are at kapa haka and it would be fabulous to get a big group. Even if you were only planning on coming to the clothing sale for a short period of time, if you come right at the start then your darlings can join in.  Today is the last day for clothing donations. 

Water main bursting

Massive thank you to our community who alerted us to this on Thursday morning and then to everyone for keeping their children home all day. Hygiene can be lacklustre at the best of times with small people and the thought of no flushing toilets or running water, particularly with the amount of bugs around was not a great thought.  One delighted 9 year old told his brother earnestly “it’s for our own safety” after hearing why school was closed. Nailed it.

Postponing the chats at VBC Upstairs to next Friday

As Sarah has COVID, we will postpone this to another week. So come along after school on Friday 14 June if you want to have a chat with Sarah, Julie or Harriette. Totally child friendly and we will no doubt have our children with us too.

Planting at Tawatawa Reserve

We have the privilege of being kaitiaki for a section of Tawatawa Reserve and earlier this week all of Year 7 & 8s went and planted close to 100 trees. 

Community Art Projects

We have a group of Year 7 & 8 artists who get out into the community and beautify spaces. They have recently completed the book exchange at the Brooklyn Community Orchard. If you know of any other potential art projects, let us know! 


There is loads of it around school at the moment and the recommendation from Te Whatu Ora is to isolate for 5 days, even if you have mild symptoms. 

Upcoming Events

  • Pre-loved clothing sale - Saturday 8th June, starts at 12

  • School Photos - 24th and 25th June

  • Tūī trip to Capital E - 25th June

  • Matariki celebration day - Wednesday 26th June

  • Kererū and Kākā trip to Te Wharewaka o Pōneke - 27th June

  • Matariki Public Holiday - Friday 28th June

  • End of term hui - 5th July at 2.15pm

  • Last day of term Friday 5th July 

  • Pedal Ready - Year 5 - 8s on Fridays

  • Swimming Y6 to Y8 on Fridays at Karori Pool 

  • Kiwi Hoops - basketball lessons for the whole school during Term 2

Sarah Patterson
Principal / Tumuaki
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School
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