Tawatawa News

Friday 17 May

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Autumn sickness

Autumn is hitting hard at school with a rise in COVID, the flu and colds.  One of our local schools (Mt Cook School, where our Year 7 & 8s go for technology on Wednesdays) asked children to be kept home yesterday as they had half their staff off sick.  You can read more about that here. There isn’t much we can do about this latest onslaught, other than asking children to stay home if they’re sick and increasing hand washing and sanitising at school. 

Cross Country

Thanks to all who came along to support the Cross Country earlier in the week.  We were lucky with the weather and we have a group of strong runners heading off to represent the school next Tuesday. 

Closure of VBC cafe and change of chat time

Unfortunately, the cafe at the VBC is closing.  We will look to offer the casual chat scenario that used to happen on Friday mornings at 9, to a couple of Fridays each term after school in the Upstairs part of the VBC. So come along after school on Friday 7 June if you want to have a chat with Sarah, Julie or Harriette. Totally child friendly and we will no doubt have our children with us too.

Lost Property

We spread out all the lost property in Kahikatea this week and asked children to walk around and reclaim their lost items. If your child is still missing items, you’re welcome to come into school and have a look through the two tubs in the medical room before we donate it to the pre-loved clothing sale (where you might end up buying your own child’s clothes back 😆).

Pre-loved clothing sale

Keep those clothes and shoes coming in!  Remember it is just wearable items though.  We have had a few odd bits donated that aren’t clothes…Swiss ball, I’m looking at you! 

Upcoming Events

  • Teacher Only Day - Friday 31st May 

  • School photos - Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June 

  • Chats at VBC Upstairs - Friday 7th June after school

  • Pre-loved clothing sale - Saturday 8th June

  • Matariki celebration day - Wednesday 26th June

  • Matariki Public Holiday - Friday 28th June

  • Last day of term Friday 5th July 

  • Pedal Ready - Year 5 - 8s on Fridays

  • Swimming Y6 to Y8 on Fridays at Karori Pool 

  • Kiwi Hoops - basketball lessons for the whole school during Term 2

Sarah Patterson
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School
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