Newsletter Friday February 19, 2021

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - warm greetings to all.

Picnic on the field - Tuesday 23 February 5.30 - 7

We look forward to seeing you all next Tuesday on the field for our annual school picnic. This year, to make us all easy to spot, teachers will be wearing name badges. There will also be marked areas for different teams so if your child is in Kōtare but you don't know what the teachers look like, you can find the sign that says Kōtare and they should be lurking around there, easy to spot with their name badges. You are obviously free to sit wherever you like on the field but we just want to make it easy for you to introduce yourselves to any of the staff you haven't yet met.

The bike shed will be open, PE gear will be out and hopefully the sun will be shining. Bring along some kai for your whānau to enjoy. As we did last year, we will be running information sessions that you are invited to attend at the same time. The offerings this year are:

  • How to support your child to be a successful reader in Year 1 - 3

  • How to support your child to be a successful reader in Year 4 - 8

  • Mathletics

  • Reporting/assessment/using the school app. An explanation of how we report on learning and progress at Ridgway School, our new way of reporting using Spotlight and how to use the app.

  • Supporting your child in successful friendships. A discussion on what we do at school to support children in their social interactions and ways you can help them with this at home.

The sessions are around 15 minutes each and will be held in the classrooms on the field. We will have obvious signage showing where to go.




Successful friendships

Reading Year 1-3

Reading Year 4-8



Upcoming korero

On March 3rd, 6.45-7.30pm, Kathryn will host a 'Korero with Kathryn' to talk about behaviour and bullying. Kathryn will explain how we work to create a positive culture at Ridgway School and how we respond to children who need support with their behaviour. Please email if you would like to attend.

Our hauora/wellbeing team are also going to run a session towards the end of term to share their findings on student wellbeing and the 'where to next' for wellbeing at Ridgway.

Netball registration Year 5-8

If your child is interested in playing netball in Terms 2 and 3, please click here to register.

Sarah Taylor
Deputy Principal
Ridgway School

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