Board Newsletter 

Term 1 2024

Appointment of new Principal for Te Kura o Tawatawa | Ridgway School.

The Board is delighted to announce the appointment of Acting Principal Sarah Patterson as the new Principal for Te Kura o Tawatawa | Ridgway School.

The role was advertised early in the term and attracted five high quality applicants. The Board followed a robust recruitment process which included consultation with our tamariki, staff and parents - thank you to all who contributed their thoughts to this process. The feedback we received was included in the shortlisting and interview matrices used to assess the applicants.

The selection panel, made up of four Board members and one external Principal from another South Wellington school, said they were impressed with Sarah’s passion and vision for the school.

Sarah has worked at Tawatawa - Ridgway since 2016 and held the Deputy Principal role under former Principal Kathryn Smith for seven years.

We hope you will all join us in congratulating Sarah and welcoming her in the new role. 

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