Tawatawa News

20 September 2024

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Year 7 & 8 Camp

Our awesome Year 7 & 8s have been bonding out at Camp Makahika this week.  All reports have been that they have had an amazing time, forging life long friendships and tackling challenges together.  One of the benefits of a full primary is the relationships that this group of children have with each other.  The trainers have given the feedback that they are such an exceptional group of young people, connected and kind to each other.  Those of us with Year 7 & 8s coming back from camp today, thoughts and prayers for the weekend ahead as they will be exhausted and behaving accordingly. Strap in.    


Orders close next Friday at 3pm.  These hoodies are the AS Supply hoodies if you want to have a look at the quality.  The cost is $65 for child/youth sizes and $70 for the adult sizes. Order yours today!  

Next year and numbers

If you have a child starting with us next year we would love for you to enrol them now so we can get a clear idea about numbers.  The same goes for our Year 6s who aren’t sure whether they are heading off to an alternative venue for their intermediate years. It would really help us if you let us know by the end of this term. 

Upcoming Events

  • 27 September - end of term hui at 9.15 and last day of term

  • 14 October - first day of Term 4

  • 28 October - Labour Day (school closed)

  • 29 October - Staff Only Day (school closed)

  • 31 October - Southern Zones Athletics

Sarah Patterson
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School

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