Tawatawa News

21 February 2025

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Athletics Day - 18 March at Newtown Park 

We’d love some more help!  It’s a great way to spy on your kids and meet other parents. If you’re able to help out, please fill out this form.

New direction for our whānau hui group

At the end of last year, the whānau hui group sent out a survey. Following this, they looked at the feedback and took into account the low number of people who responded. They have suggested an alternative model for how we proceed with this rōpū. Instead of the group meeting once a term, the school will reach out for help with specific events, like the upcoming blessing of our pou, mihi whakatau, Matariki and our noho marae.  This means people are able to opt in to what suits them, support us when they are able to and also takes into account people's work/family/life commitments. 

However, the door is open to those who want to lead an initiative in this space and we are always open to ideas so don’t hesitate to get in touch if this is you.  

Bringing in cakes/baking etc

Don’t shoot the messenger here, but we have to ask that the birthday treats are saved up for birthday parties and out of school celebrations. As I’m sure you can imagine, we often have many birthdays in one week. People get grumpy if their kids are eating cakes every day! 

Fundraising help

We are, once again, looking for anyone who is able to help us out with fundraising this year. We have a target of $10,000 (reach for the stars and all that) which will go towards funding the very inadequately funded learning support. This will help us to pay for our teacher aides and extra programmes. Get in touch with Sarah if you’re able to help! (Some of you might be great at accessing grants which would be helpful too.)


We are delighted to announce that we have the capacity now to run our own holiday programmes as well as having RASCals running on Teacher Only Days. Keep the sign ups coming

Any old spray bottles?

If you’ve got any spare spray bottles, please take them to the office. Someone appears to be eating ours! 

Love Vogelmorn Bowling Club? Become a Friend!

If your whānau enjoys hanging out at Vogelmorn Bowling Club - whether it’s for coffee, playdates, or community events - please help keep this special place thriving. Becoming a Friend of Vogelmorn is an easy way to support this beloved local community space. Sign up for as little as $5 a month, you’ll be helping with the upkeep of the lawns, power bills, and all the little things that keep the Club running. We need 100 new Friends this year - can you help us meet our goal? 

To say thanks to you, Friends get free updates and an invite to the annual FoVBC pizza party!

It’s a small contribution that makes a big difference - join FoVBC by signing up here: https://www.vogelmorn.nz/friends-of-vogelmorn

Upcoming Events

  • 7 March - Mid term hui 2.15

  • 16 March - Weetbix Tryathlon (sign up here)

  • 18 March - Athletics Day at Newtown Park (Please fill out this form if you are able to help out.)

  • 11 April - Last day of Term 1

  • 29 April - Blessing of the pou (TBC)



Sarah Patterson
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School

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