Nau mai, haere mai ki te Pātaka Kōrero

Our library is now situated throughout our spaces. Books are available to students during class time.

Our collections

In our library you can find:

· Picture books

· Novels and chapter books

· Teen fiction

· Graphic novels

· Non-fiction books and links to online resources from our webpage

Online resources

In addition to the great classroom resources at your disposal and books in the Non-fiction section of the library, try the following online resources:

Librarian's tip: Wikipedia can be a great place to start your inquiry topic but you should always check any information you use to ensure it is correct. Anyone can contribute to Wikipedia so you can't assume that they are an expert on a topic.


Use this to….


Chat online with a real librarian, who can assist you with your inquiry topic. This service is available 1pm-6pm weekdays.

Britannica School Primary

Discover facts and information about just about anything.

You can either:

· Click on Students and use the categories to search for information, or

· Enter a keyword about your topic in the Search function to find information, e.g. if you are looking for information on Egyptian mummies, you can enter 'mummies' as a keyword.

Maori Dictionary - Online

Te Aka Māori-English, English-Māori Dictionary and Index online

Find modern and everyday Maori words, explanations of key concept central to Maori culture, names of plants, animals (including photos and recordings of bird songs), stars, planets and heavenly bodies that are important to Maori people.

Ever wondered what our rarest native bird, the Kakapo, sounds like? Click here to find out.

Te Ara - Encyclopedia of New Zealand

Find information about our peoples, environment, history, culture and society.

Check out the:

· Earth, Sea and Skysection for information related to sustainability.

· Rongoā - medicinal use of plants section to find out how Maori use plants to deal with illness.

Become a published author

Toitoi is a beautifully crafted journal that contains stories, poems and art created by young New Zealander's just like you!

We subscribe to this amazing journal and you can check out the latest issue of Toitoi on display in the library.

We would love to see our budding Tawatawa - Ridgway authors and artists getting published in this journal. If your submission is accepted and published you will receive two copies of the journal to share with your family and friends, and the library will also receive two copies!

For information on how to submit your work see Submit to Toitoi. Read the Frequently Asked Questions to find out what types of work you can submit and what happens after you have made a submission.

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