Extracurricular Activities


We have German tutor who comes in the school on Friday mornings and runs small groups based on ability. There is a cost for these. Please email the school office if you would like to sign your child up to these.


Mark Van der Hoorn is our Chess Teacher holding classes on Thursday mornings, a beginner class from 9 - 10 and an advanced class from 10 - 11. The cost of these is $30 per term. Contact the school office for more details: office@ridgway.school.nz.

Music Lessons at School

If you are interested in music lessons, please contact the coordinators below:


Rosanne O'Connor - at school and in home lessons available
Phone 021 338 604
Email: rosanne@shiloh.co.nz

Beth Chen
Email: bethchen@bethchenpiano.com

Goodtime Music Academy
Phone: 04 568 2237
Email: info@gtma.co.nz

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