Tawatawa News

Friday 5 July 

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Mid Year Achievement Summary

We are rocking this old school and sending these home on paper today. We are waiting for the IT developers to create this form digitally so it can be viewed in the app but apparently this “takes time” so it won’t be done until (early) next term. As we said last week (which of course you all remember), this achievement summary is just a one pager that can then be discussed at next term’s learning conference.  We are trialling this way of reporting mid year, so please do give us any feedback.  

For those interested in these kinds of things, from Year 3 up we already use the standardised testing the new government has been talking about: PAT for maths (and vocabulary later in the year),  E-asTTle for writing and STAR for reading. These assessments will be discussed at the learning conferences. 

Swimming in Term 3 at Little Makos

Year 1 - 3:  Tuesday 30 July - 17 September

Year 4 - 5:  Friday 2 August - 20 September

For our little children, we love having parents join us to help wrestle the children into their clothes afterwards. If you’re available to help out with your child’s group on a Tuesday morning, please email Nicole (nicolel@ridgway.school.nz). 

Successful basketball season

The Term 2 season finished this week, with our teams doing really well.

The Year 7 & 8 team came second in Division 3 - an outstanding achievement given the number of Year 7 & 8s we have! Thanks, as always, to Christine and John Nixon!

Ridgway Raiders (Year 6) came third, thanks Ruth for coaching and also for your court appearance at the Saints game on Wednesday and your shout out to our kura! 

Ridgway Kereru (Year 5) came second, thanks to Christine for coaching and Patrick for being expert manager, motivator and running the subs.

Ridgway Kiwi and Ridgway Tui (Year 3 and 4) had a great season with Ridgway Kiwi coming first!  Thanks to Oliver and Aideen for coaching the teams. 

We are looking forward to another great term of basketball in Term 3!

Inspire Photography - job opportunity 

Inspire, the photography company who shoots our school photos is looking for a part-time administrator. If you or someone you know is interested, flick simon@inspirephotography.co.nz an email!

Upcoming Events

  • Last day of term Friday 5th July

  • First day of term 22 July

  • 24 July Parent information evening Year 7 & 8  6-7pm

  • VBC catch up with Sarah and Julie/Harriette 26 July

  • Learning Conferences 29 and 30 July

  • Year 1 - 3 swimming 30 July - 17 September

  • Pedal Ready - Year 6 - 8s on Fridays for four weeks from 2 August

  • Year 4 & 5 swimming 2 August - 20 September

  • Teacher Only Day 23 August

  • Year 7 & 8 Camp 17 - 20 September

Sarah Patterson
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School

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