Newsletter - Friday 29 April 2022

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Start time 8.55 and finish time of 3pm

In Term 2 we'll move back to a 3pm finish for our junior school. We ask that you come onto the school grounds at 3pm to collect your children rather than coming on to the grounds earlier. You’re more than welcome to stay after 3pm and socialise and catch up with your friends, but the earlier arrival can be quite a distraction for the teachers who may be wanting to take children out for a game or finishing off work. Thanks for your understanding with this. 


Ventilation and mask use

As we head into another term, we will continue to wear masks and ventilate classes by having the windows and doors open. This will mean your child will need to wear layers and have a jacket at school, especially as we head into winter and the weather starts to get colder. 


Open Morning Year 1 - 4: starting soon!

We will have open mornings in Year 1 - 4 in the classes one morning a week as we start to welcome parents back into the buildings.  You can read more about this and all things related to Orange on Kathryn’s blog


Working with Rongohia te Hau

As we have previously mentioned, as a school we are working with Rongohia te Hau on our cultural responsiveness. Some of you completed their survey last term.  We would like to invite whānau to continue to be part of this journey.  There are two upcoming hui on this kaupapa:


First Hui

Date - 3 May 2022

Time - 6pm to 8pm

Where - Room 1 (so we can social distance etc)

Focus - background, introduction - shared understanding of what this kaupapa is about.


A space will be available for tamariki to be kept busy with activities during our hui. Some snacks will be provided for them as well, and a teacher will be there with them.  


Second Hui

Date - 18 May 2022

Time - 6pm to 8pm

Where - Room 1 (so we can social distance etc)

Focus - digging into survey results, expanding on the kaupapa


Again, arrangements will be made for our tamariki.


In addition to the above there is a Teachers Only day on 30 May where the facilitators (Miranda and Melissa) will be working with our teachers on this kaupapa.  Whānau Hui Group and others are welcome to join this as well if they wish to do so. 


Possible Teacher Only Day Friday 8 July (last day of Term 2)

We are pencilling in a Teacher Only Day on the last day of the term, which is Friday 8 July.  This is to help with the move into the new building and getting set up for Term 3.  Obviously if our move in date changes, we will not need to take this Teacher Only Day, so just a head’s up at this stage! 


Upcoming Events

Monday 2 May: First day of Term 2

Tuesday 3 May: Rongohia te Hau hui in Room 1, 6 - 8pm

Monday 16 May:  School closes at 1pm for Kahui Ako Super Hui 

Wednesday 18 May: Rongohia te Hau hui in Room 1, 6 - 8pm

Thursday 19 May (pp Thursday 26 May): School Cross Country 11am to 12.30pm

Monday 30 May: Teacher Only Day (teachers working with Rongohia te Hau)

Wednesday 1 June and Thursday 2 June: School Photo Day

Wednesday June 22:  Matariki Celebration in the evening (TBC)

Friday 24 June: Matariki Public Holiday

Friday 8 July: Teacher Only Day (TBC)

Term 3: Swimming


Ngā mihi

Sarah Taylor

Deputy Principal

Ridgway School


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