Newsletter - Friday 11 March 2022

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Athletics Day

We had a fantastic day yesterday! Thank you to all the parent volunteers who came along and made the day go smoothly. We know it would have been hard for spectators to stay away, so thank you for following the COVID related rules around our athletics day and putting up with only hearing about the day from your children.  (The conversation probably went something along the lines of… how was it? OK. What did you do? Nothing. Why didn’t you eat your sandwiches? I didn’t like them/I didn’t have time).  To counteract the child generated fake news, we are putting together a collection of photos so you can see all the fun stuff that actually happened! This should be ready for your viewing pleasure next week.

Home Learning

We now have a number of children isolating at home.  This is the home learning page that all home learning can be accessed from. Please make this your first port of call when you have a child who is working from home. 

We do have active cases in our school community. Please keep this in mind when you drop off and pick up your children. A speedy drop off with no unnecessary lurking is the name of the game!

Teacher Only Days

We have two Teacher Only Days in Term 2.  The first is Monday 30 May and the second is dependent on the building work being finished but it is penciled in for 7 June.  You can read about the building work here but if all goes smoothly our moving week is the first week in June.  If things don’t go smoothly we will postpone it until after we have moved in. 

Community Notices

Nga mihi

Sarah Taylor
Deputy Principal
Ridgway School

Newsletter - Friday 11 March 2022

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Athletics Day

We had a fantastic day yesterday! Thank you to all the parent volunteers who came along and made the day go smoothly. We know it would have been hard for spectators to stay away, so thank you for following the COVID related rules around our athletics day and putting up with only hearing about the day from your children.  (The conversation probably went something along the lines of… how was it? OK. What did you do? Nothing. Why didn’t you eat your sandwiches? I didn’t like them/I didn’t have time).  To counteract the child generated fake news, we are putting together a collection of photos so you can see all the fun stuff that actually happened! This should be ready for your viewing pleasure next week.

Home Learning

We now have a number of children isolating at home.  This is the home learning page that all home learning can be accessed from. Please make this your first port of call when you have a child who is working from home. 

We do have active cases in our school community. Please keep this in mind when you drop off and pick up your children. A speedy drop off with no unnecessary lurking is the name of the game!

Teacher Only Days

We have two Teacher Only Days in Term 2.  The first is Monday 30 May and the second is dependent on the building work being finished but it is penciled in for 7 June.  You can read about the building work here but if all goes smoothly our moving week is the first week in June.  If things don’t go smoothly we will postpone it until after we have moved in. 

Community Notices

Nga mihi

Sarah Taylor
Deputy Principal
Ridgway School

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