Newsletter Monday 28 September 2020

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - warm greetings to all.

Finally, the end of term is upon us and holidays are here. Phew! With the end of term we have some great news..the moment you've all been waiting for! It's time for the Premiere Event! The Premiere Event is about 30 minutes long so get the family together and put your feet up. We hope you enjoy it! Follow this link to view the Premiere Event...

Parent Teacher Interviews for Year 1 - 5 on 13, 14 and 15 October

These are running differently to previous years. They are between the parent and the teacher and do not include the child. Appointments are 10 minutes each and all teachers will be present (for example if your child is in Kukupa, Dani and Martin will both be there). For parents who have interviews in both the portacoms and the main block - please make sure you leave enough time to get to your next meeting. Go to to book. The Event code is ev9du - log in to see the times your child's teachers are available, for Kōtare, Tui, Ruru and Kūkupa.

Touch Rugby

Is anyone interested in Touch Rugby? It's a fun sport, which is great for teaching teamwork, fair play and sportsmanship. Currently we have a Y1/2 team, a Y3/4 team and a Year 5/6 team. We have mixed teams with boys and girls playing together. It would be great if we could have a couple more players in each grade so that we can have some subs (it gets pretty tiring having to be out there for a whole game!) It's a great atmosphere, there's a sausage sizzle and we have some great kids playing already. Cost is usually around $25-31 and depends on how many players we have (it won't be any more expensive but can get cheaper if we have lots of players!). Practices are at lunchtime on Fridays. The season runs for 6 weeks and is starting on the 28th of October. We play at Wakefield Park, which is the turf on the way to Island Bay on Wednesday afternoons between 4 and 6pm.

Thanks New World - Little Garden

Thanks to Amanda Elliot - the owner of New World Island Bay who has gifted the school a small vege garden kit to assemble, vege mix and "little garden" seeds, along with tools and gloves. This will be a term 4 project for our students.

Ngā mihi

Sarah Taylor

Deputy Principal

Ridgway School

Newsletter Monday 28 September 2020

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - warm greetings to all.

Finally, the end of term is upon us and holidays are here. Phew! With the end of term we have some great news..the moment you've all been waiting for! It's time for the Premiere Event! The Premiere Event is about 30 minutes long so get the family together and put your feet up. We hope you enjoy it! Follow this link to view the Premiere Event...

Parent Teacher Interviews for Year 1 - 5 on 13, 14 and 15 October

These are running differently to previous years. They are between the parent and the teacher and do not include the child. Appointments are 10 minutes each and all teachers will be present (for example if your child is in Kukupa, Dani and Martin will both be there). For parents who have interviews in both the portacoms and the main block - please make sure you leave enough time to get to your next meeting. Go to to book. The Event code is ev9du - log in to see the times your child's teachers are available, for Kōtare, Tui, Ruru and Kūkupa.

Touch Rugby

Is anyone interested in Touch Rugby? It's a fun sport, which is great for teaching teamwork, fair play and sportsmanship. Currently we have a Y1/2 team, a Y3/4 team and a Year 5/6 team. We have mixed teams with boys and girls playing together. It would be great if we could have a couple more players in each grade so that we can have some subs (it gets pretty tiring having to be out there for a whole game!) It's a great atmosphere, there's a sausage sizzle and we have some great kids playing already. Cost is usually around $25-31 and depends on how many players we have (it won't be any more expensive but can get cheaper if we have lots of players!). Practices are at lunchtime on Fridays. The season runs for 6 weeks and is starting on the 28th of October. We play at Wakefield Park, which is the turf on the way to Island Bay on Wednesday afternoons between 4 and 6pm.

Thanks New World - Little Garden

Thanks to Amanda Elliot - the owner of New World Island Bay who has gifted the school a small vege garden kit to assemble, vege mix and "little garden" seeds, along with tools and gloves. This will be a term 4 project for our students.

Ngā mihi

Sarah Taylor

Deputy Principal

Ridgway School

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