Tawatawa News

25 October 2024

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Salvation Army Visit

This morning, we took a group of Year 6 girls to the Salvation Army in Newtown. The purpose was to learn about how the organisation helps the community and to volunteer their time to make food for the drop in centre. They made spaghetti on toast and served it and learned all about the Food Bank. We will return again next week with another group to try to build the culture of helping those less fortunate and being grateful for what we’ve got! 

Congratulations Charlie Lowe

 Well done on achieving your black belt!  What an amazing feat of strength and discipline! 

Pick and up and drop off

Please don’t be a plonker when picking up and dropping off your children. Parking on the yellow lines makes it dangerous for our children to cross the road safely as it blocks the view of the crossing to incoming traffic. We promise they won’t melt if they have to walk a tiny bit further so you can park safely! 

Brooklyn Twilight Festival - reminder - fill out the form!

Our kapa haka have been invited to open the festival again this year. Last year, we clearly impressed them with our talent. We’d love a big group of children to be able to perform to open this event so please fill out the form if your child is able to join us! We will meet at 2pm at the Scout Hall (TBC) to get into the kapa haka uniforms, warm up and then the performance is at 2.30pm at the end of Harrison Street. 

Upcoming Events

  • 28 October - Labour Day (school closed)

  • 29 October - Staff Only Day (school closed)

  • 31 October - Southern Zones Athletics

  • 3 November - Spooky Disco at VBC 

  • 16 November - Brooklyn Twilight Festival

  • 28 November - Year 5 Road Patrol Training

  • 5 December - Production 

  • 12 December - Ridgway’s Got Talent

  • 13 December - Pam’s Retirement Celebration at 2.30

  • 16 December - Water Fight! 

  • 17 December - Year 8 Leavers’ Celebration

  • 18 December - Junior Final Assembly (9.15) and Senior Final Assembly (2.15)

  • 19 December - Last Day of School - 1pm finish.

Sarah Patterson
Principal / Tumuaki
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School

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