Tawatawa News

18 October 2024

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Charlie Lowe - black belt grading on Saturday

This Saturday Charlie Lowe, Year 6, will be grading for his karate black belt at Marudao Karate dojo in Berhampore (attached to the Mingles cafe).  This represents over 5 years of intense training in the art, some weeks training for more than 10 hours. The grading will last approximately 4 hours starting at 9am, testing his physical and mental fortitude, all ending with fighting in 40x back to back sparring sessions.  He will be supported by his training partner Flynn Cronan.

The grading is open to the public and all are welcome to pop down at any point during the morning and watch, and maybe grab a coffee at the Mingles cafe. This is an opportunity to support Charlie and see a truly intense display of spirit and determination as he takes an important step into his martial arts future.

Walking School Bus

For years, we had a couple of Walking School Bus routes operating in the mornings. The Walking School Bus operates similarly to a real bus, in that it leaves from designated 'Bus Stops' at specific times and follows a specific route and means that our smaller children can walk to school. You can read more about it here

One adult “driver” is required for each trip. If you’re interested in getting involved, get in touch with Sarah.


Our currently untitled production, is as they say, currently in production. This will be different to the heady pre-covid years where we all went to Wellington High and watched a performance on the stage. This year, we are treating you to a tour through our local community, all within our school. More details will be forthcoming but put 5 December in your diary! 

Brooklyn Twilight Festival

Our kapa haka have been invited to open the festival again this year. Last year, we clearly impressed them with our talent. We’d love a big group of children to be able to perform to open this event so please fill out the form if your child is able to join us! We will meet at 2pm at the Scout Hall (TBC) to get into the kapa haka uniforms, warm up and then the performance is at 2.30pm at the end of Harrison Street. 

Term 4 is a sunhat term

Remember those sunhats!  Shout out to Tūī, they have the record for most children with hats!  

Upcoming Events

  • 28 October - Labour Day (school closed)

  • 29 October - Staff Only Day (school closed)

  • 31 October - Southern Zones Athletics

  • 3 November - Spooky Disco at VBC 

  • 16 November - Brooklyn Twilight Festival

  • 28 November - Year 5 Road Patrol Training

  • 5 December - Production 

  • 12 December - Ridgway’s Got Talent

  • 13 December - Pam’s Retirement Celebration Assembly at 2.30

  • 16 December - Water Fight! 

  • 17 December - Year 8 Leavers’ Celebration

  • 18 December - junior final assembly (9.15) and senior final assembly (2.15)

  • 19 December - last day of school - 1pm finish. 

  • Futsal Year 1-6: Friday 25 October - Friday 6 December (No games Friday 1st November), runs for 6 weeks | 3:30pm - 6:00pm

  • Futsal Year 7-8 Wednesday 30 October - Wednesday 4 December, runs for 6 weeks | 3:30pm - 6:00pm

Ōwhiro Stream Whānau Event: Saturday 2nd November, 2pm - 4pm

Discover the curious critters of Ōwhiro stream with Mountains to Sea and Enviroschools at Ōwhiro Bay School or join the hīkoi from Tawatawa Reserve by registering following the link (koha required for hīkoi) - Ōwhiro - The Many Walks of Wellington Streams | Wellington Heritage Festival

Sarah Patterson
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School

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