Tawatawa News

16 August 2024

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Whānau Rōpū on 29 August at 6.30

Come along and join our first Whānau Rōpū hui for the year, open to everyone. It will be a relaxed hour or so for chat and kai and children are more than welcome to join us! You can find out more about the group and how they are involved with the school.  The official blurb is:  

The Whānau Group is made up of parents, caregivers and staff who are interested in growing tikanga Māori and te reo Māori at our school. The group's kaupapa is to support Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School's growth as an inclusive school and provide ideas and practical ways for all students to strengthen their knowledge of and pride in tikanga Māori and te reo Māori. We also aim to empower Māori students to be confident in their culture and to be leaders in sharing it with the wider school community.

The Whānau Group aims to be a link between students and families and the staff and board so that as a community we honour our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi). We are guided by Tawatawa - Ridgway's core values, especially respect for the diversity of our school community and responsibility to learn about and take pride in tikanga Māori and te reo Māori.

We have had a few of our OG group leave when their youngest child left for college last year so we are after new members. This is open to all our whānau and we’d love to have loads of you there! (We will have a couple of capable Year 8s there who can babysit your smaller family members if you need a break from them for an hour.)

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori 

Māori Language Week celebrates the presentation of the Māori Language Petition to parliament on the 14th September 1972. It has been marked every year since 1975.  This week kicks off with a parade in town on September 16th that we are taking our te reo extension children to.  If you would like your child to also attend, you’re welcome to take them along too!  

Health Consultation

Every two years the Boards of Trustees is required to consult with the parent community about the school's Health and Physical Education programmes.

The purpose of this consultation is to outline the programmes that we are delivering, how we are delivering them and what the health education needs are of our students. The next round of consultation after this year will be in 2026.

We welcome your feedback as this allows us to develop policies and practices that reflect the needs of students at our school. Send Sarah an email with any feedback.  Health Consultation 2024

Calendar Art

Tamariki have been working on a piece of art that can be turned into a calendar, diary, sketch pad and more. Check the @school app to see what tamariki have been working on. Orders can be made here and are due by Friday 30th August. Delivery will be in Term 4. 

Make-up bag found

We found a make-up bag with a whole lot of lipsticks and a few other bits and pieces on a shelf in the Tawa space. We are wondering if it fell out of someone’s larger bag while they were here for Matariki (or even the Pre-Loved Clothing Sale) wanting to look their most glamorous!  If it’s yours, let us know!

Sausage Sizzle O’Clock!

What time is it? I hear you shout, why it’s Sausage Sizzle O’Clock!  This is part of our fundraising for our Year 7 & 8 camp to try to get the cost down to under $400 to make it more affordable.  Vegetarian option available.  

School hoodies

We are in the process of getting some school hoodies designed and made so keep your eyes peeled for the chance to get your mits on some of our merch!

Upcoming Events

  • Pedal Ready - Year 6 - 8s on Fridays for four weeks from 2 August

  • 20 August - Southern Zones Basketball 

  • 22 August - Mid term hui at 2.15

  • 23 August - Staff Only Day (school closed)

  • 29 August - Whānau Rōpu kai and chats at 6.30

  • 13 September Onesie Day

  • 16 September - Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori Parade

  • 17 - 20 September - Year 7 & 8 Camp 

Sarah Patterson
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School

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