Tawatawa News

Friday 2 August 

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Visit from the Prime Minister

We got a call from the Ministry of Education saying that the Prime Minister and Minister of Education have requested a visit to our school next week.  They chose us because they want to see an awesome Wellington school that is strong in maths. This seems like a good time to give ourselves a shout out and a pat on the back for our mid year achievement data.  

We have 93.6% of children achieving or exceeding expectations in maths.  We use the PR1ME maths programme across the school which ensures consistency, as well as rich maths activities and basic facts teaching. Our teachers and ākonga should be really proud of this! We know that when our Year 8s leave us to go to high school, they are super prepared for high school maths (and in fact loads of them already are - overachievers!). 

Our other data is excellent too with over 88% meeting or exceeding expectations in reading and 85.2% meeting or exceeding expectations in writing. We have special programmes in place for those not yet achieving and monitor their progress closely. 

Missing earbuds?

If anyone lost any earbuds towards the end of last term (they were found on the school gate) let us know and we can return them to you…otherwise, Daniel Crow is very happy to keep them!

Pōwhiri to welcome our new children and whānau

We have moved this to a week later to allow us to host the Prime Minister and Minister of Education. We will now have it on 15th August at 9.15am. If you’re new to the school we will send you an email with more information.

Upcoming Events

  • 7th August - photo orders due

  • 15th August - Pōwhiri for new students at 9.15am (change of date due to PM’s visit)

  • Pedal Ready - Year 6 - 8s on Fridays for four weeks from 2 August

  • 20 August - Southern Zones Basketball 

  • 22 August - Mid term hui at 2.15

  • 23 August - Staff Only Day (school closed)

  • 13 September Onesie Day

  • 17 - 20 September - Year 7 & 8 Camp

Sarah Patterson
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School

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