Tawatawa News

Friday 26 July 

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Emergency Management Planning

With the safety of our students and staff at the forefront of our minds, we wanted to make sure we had the best possible emergency management plan in place should an emergency occur. We have engaged an external company, Harrison Tew, to work with us to ensure we follow best practice in terms of our emergency management planning.  They have now developed an emergency plan for us and will train staff during August and we will run practices with the children. We found it hard to be confident that our lockdown procedures were ‘best practice’ in a building with lots of glass so we went to the experts (who are all ex-police officers and know a lot about this sort of thing)!

Learning Conferences

These are next week so do book in if you haven’t already.  The office sent out an email during the holidays which may have gotten lost in all the holiday excitement so check back in your emails if you haven’t booked in yet. If you’re waiting outside the classroom for your conference time, please do head on in at your allotted time.  Some people like to talk and could use an interruption to ensure they keep to time! (Does this mean teachers or parents?...maybe both!) I know last time a couple of teachers couldn’t see the parents waiting so carried on talking to the parents before, not realising the next lot of parents were politely waiting out of sight! 


Swimming starts next week for our New Entrants - Year 5s. Tuesdays for Year 0 - 3 and Year 4 & 5 on Fridays. 

School photos

It sounds like some people are having trouble accessing this year’s photos. We suspect you might be using last year’s password that is saved on your computer, rather than putting in this year’s password. 

Please check back in your emails for the correct password. 

Babysitter available

One of our fabulous teacher aides, Maike, is looking for babysitting work. She is available afternoons from 3pm and evenings and her number is 027 330 9599. 

Upcoming Events

  • 29 and 30 July -Learning Conferences 

  • 7th August - photo orders due

  • 8th August - Pōwhiri for new students at 9.15am

  • Pedal Ready - Year 6 - 8s on Fridays for four weeks from 2 August

  • 20 August - Southern Zones Basketball 

  • 22 August - Mid term hui at 2.15

  • 23 August - Staff Only Day (school closed)

  • 17 - 20 September - Year 7 & 8 Camp 

Sarah Patterson
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School

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