Tawatawa News

27 September 2024

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Structure for next year 

The wonderful Pam is retiring at the end of the year and we will have a celebration for her on 13 December in the afternoon so save the date! 

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Nathan Crocker, currently at Island Bay School. He will be one of the Kōtare teachers and also joins the Senior Leadership Team as a Deputy Principal.

We have also employed James Ford, who some of you will remember as a teacher aide last year and the manager of Enjoy (the after school care programme at school). He is currently completing his Teaching Diploma in Auckland and will be teaching the Year 5 & 6s with Derek next year. 

Sarah - Principal

Julie and Nathan - Deputy Principals

Kōtare (Year 1-2)

Team Leader: Nathan

Tūi (Year 3-4)

Team Leader: Daniel


Team Leader: Julie

Kereru / Kākā (Year 5-8)

Team Leader: Harriette









Harriette (Year 7 & 8)


James Ford

Nicole Lim is off on parental leave next year.

We are keeping the lovely Lucy King one day a week, Carolyn Hawkes a few days a week and our man in the hi-vis vest, Martin for three days. They will be teaching around the school. 

Hoodies - last chance! 

Orders close today!  The cost is $65 for child/youth sizes and $70 for the adult sizes. Order yours today!  

Term 4 is a sunhat term

During Term 4, we require all our children to wear sun hats while outside. A wide brimmed hat is the best to protect their beautiful unwrinkled skin. Year 7 & 8s are able to wear caps if they think they are cooler. Those without hats will have to stay in shaded areas during break times.  We have hats available to buy at school. 

Thanks to the Vogelmorn Foundation

Thank you to TVF for the grants we have received this year!  We got $10,000 in June to help support our priority learners and will receive $7930 for our exciting work next year with local artist Stephen Mushin (author of Ultrawild). 

Babysitter available

If you’re looking for someone to do some babysitting, Maike is still available afternoons, evenings and in the school holidays too. You can get in touch on 027 330 9599. 

Upcoming Events

  • 14 October - First day of Term 4

  • 14 and 15 October - Moneywise Workshops

  • 28 October - Labour Day (school closed)

  • 29 October - Staff Only Day (school closed)

  • 31 October - Southern Zones Athletics

Sarah Patterson
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School

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