Tawatawa News

Friday 8 March

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Raelene Retiring

In very sad news for us at school, Raelene is retiring at the end of the term. We will be holding an assembly to farewell her on April 11 at 2pm that you are all welcome to join. School will definitely not be the same without her, so if you want an answer to anything, I’d get in quick before she leaves! 

Office Assistant Job

We now have a vacancy for an Office Assistant, starting at the beginning of Term 2.  The hours will be 9 - 3 (but negotiable) in term time, so if you’re interested in working in our office (and who wouldn’t be?) check out our job description


If you have a child who is starting this year, we would love to have their enrolment in! We know there are lots of younger siblings who are due to start, but we haven’t got their enrolments yet.  

Art on display

At the end of last year Derek worked with some of our Year 7 & 8s on painting hoardings to go around the new fire station build at the airport on Coutts Street.  They are up and looking good! The theme was construction, so it’s great to see the screw, hammer and whatever those other tools are represented here!  A whole lot of schools painted these boards so if you’re in the neighbourhood, go and have a look at this outdoor art display (230 Coutts Street, Rongotai). 

Yummy Stickers

If you collect the yummy stickers off your apples, we get new sports gear.  We are collecting the stickers and the bag cut-outs so bring them to school and hand them into the office! 🍏

Union Meeting - March 26 

The majority of our teachers will be attending a union meeting at 1.30 on Tuesday March 26. School will stay open and children will be supervised. However, if you are able to collect your child at lunchtime and it is not too much of a drama for you, that would be appreciated. If not, no worries, they can stay at school and have an extended lunch time. 

Movin’March – Week 2!

It’s great to see so many people walking and riding to school. Remember if you walk or wheel we’ll tick off your trip and all entries are sent to Greater Wellington at the end of March (remember you only need at least one trip recorded on your “passport” to enter).  All passports in the WOW Passport Challenge go in the draw to win one of 6 x $400 MYRIDE vouchers.  We have spot prizes to give away at school too at the end of March.   

If your family lives too far away, why not park a short distance away from the school gate and walk or wheel the rest of the way? This is most effective when the children are winding you up and the weather is rubbish and you can blame Movin’March for their early ejection from the car.    

Upcoming Events

  • All of March is Movin’ March

  • Friday 8 March Mid-term hui at 2.15

  • 21 March School Athletics Day

  • 26 March - Union Meeting 1.30

  • 28 March Teacher Only Day

  • 29 March - 2 April - Easter Break (note that Tuesday 2nd April is part of the Easter holiday)

  • 3 - 5 April Year 5 & 6 Camp, Forest Lakes

  • 12 April last day of Term 1

  • 29 April first day of Term 2

Sarah Patterson
Acting Principal
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School


Tawatawa News

Friday 8 March

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Raelene Retiring

In very sad news for us at school, Raelene is retiring at the end of the term. We will be holding an assembly to farewell her on April 11 at 2pm that you are all welcome to join. School will definitely not be the same without her, so if you want an answer to anything, I’d get in quick before she leaves! 

Office Assistant Job

We now have a vacancy for an Office Assistant, starting at the beginning of Term 2.  The hours will be 9 - 3 (but negotiable) in term time, so if you’re interested in working in our office (and who wouldn’t be?) check out our job description


If you have a child who is starting this year, we would love to have their enrolment in! We know there are lots of younger siblings who are due to start, but we haven’t got their enrolments yet.  

Art on display

At the end of last year Derek worked with some of our Year 7 & 8s on painting hoardings to go around the new fire station build at the airport on Coutts Street.  They are up and looking good! The theme was construction, so it’s great to see the screw, hammer and whatever those other tools are represented here!  A whole lot of schools painted these boards so if you’re in the neighbourhood, go and have a look at this outdoor art display (230 Coutts Street, Rongotai). 

Yummy Stickers

If you collect the yummy stickers off your apples, we get new sports gear.  We are collecting the stickers and the bag cut-outs so bring them to school and hand them into the office! 🍏

Union Meeting - March 26 

The majority of our teachers will be attending a union meeting at 1.30 on Tuesday March 26. School will stay open and children will be supervised. However, if you are able to collect your child at lunchtime and it is not too much of a drama for you, that would be appreciated. If not, no worries, they can stay at school and have an extended lunch time. 

Movin’March – Week 2!

It’s great to see so many people walking and riding to school. Remember if you walk or wheel we’ll tick off your trip and all entries are sent to Greater Wellington at the end of March (remember you only need at least one trip recorded on your “passport” to enter).  All passports in the WOW Passport Challenge go in the draw to win one of 6 x $400 MYRIDE vouchers.  We have spot prizes to give away at school too at the end of March.   

If your family lives too far away, why not park a short distance away from the school gate and walk or wheel the rest of the way? This is most effective when the children are winding you up and the weather is rubbish and you can blame Movin’March for their early ejection from the car.    

Upcoming Events

Sarah Patterson
Acting Principal
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School

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