
Friday 16 December

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

What a year it’s been! No doubt you are all feeling similar to how we are at school, exhausted and looking forward to this crazy year being over. We hope you all have a lovely summer break and that you all get some well deserved rest.

Speeches from our assemblies

For those of you who missed Kathryn’s speeches at our assemblies yesterday, here is your chance to read and reread them to your heart’s content!  

End of Year Achievement Summary

You would have been emailed, on Wednesday, your child’s Achievement Summary.  This is also available in the app under ‘Reporting’.  If you’re wondering about what the different levels mean, you can read a full explanation here

Volunteers for plant watering duties! 

We are looking for volunteers to water our plants over the holidays.  If we get enough volunteers you might only need to do it once!  Please get in touch with if you’re around to help out. Our plants will thank you for it. 

Walking School Bus - 2023

You might like to get involved with this next year.  Check out the information here. It’s a great way for your children to safely get to school. 

Haere ra to our leaving children and families

For some whānau, today marks the end of an era.  Some of our families have now ended their Ridgway journey as their youngest child finishes with us today.  You’ll always be part of the Ridgway whānau and come visit anytime. We wish all the tamariki leaving today the very best in their new adventures. 

Monday clean up day

Just a reminder that Monday is a clean up day for us, so if possible it would be great if you could keep your children home. 

Congratulations to our netballers, the Ridgway Rockets and Sparklers!

While we didn't have as many games as we'd like due to the weather, the girls used the skills they learned at practice and on Saturday to play some great netball. They also showed great sportsmanship towards the other teams - showing the Ridgway School values on and off the court.  Massive thanks to our awesome coaches Kriselle and Elizabeth!

Stationery Lists

Incase you missed it - here are the stationery lists for 2023!

Upcoming Events

7 February 2023: first day of term 

6 April 2023: Teacher Only Day

24 April 2023: Teacher Only Day

30 June 2023: Teacher Only Day

20 December 2023:  End of the school year 

Ngā mihi,
Sarah Patterson
Deputy Principal
Ridgway School

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