The NED show 

On Monday 1 August the whole school will watch NED’s Mindset Mission, a live streaming event. An engaging performer takes our students on an interactive educational journey filled with storytelling, illusions, yo-yo tricks and humour. NED’s message and memorable friends inspire students, promote academic achievement, and support our school goals. Never give up Encourage others Do your best® 

NED's Mindset Mission is a character education program that centers around three important messages that have lifelong relevance: 

Never give up

Encourage others and 

Do your best. 

During the assembly, ākonga will learn about the importance of these three life skills while also enjoying storytelling, magic, humor and yo-yo tricks. 

Our school received this programme at no-cost because another school community has paid-it-forward to us. Now it’s our turn—you can help by purchasing a NED-messaged yo-yo and accessories. 

A yo-yo is both a mindset tool and tangible reminder of NED’s message. While learning to yo, children will make mistakes, try again, and improve. Read more at

Children can buy a yoyo at school

  • Our preferred method of payment is by internet banking, using our bank account number 12-3141-0104464-00. Be sure to include your child's name and "YOYO".
  • You can also pay by cash.  Please send the exact amount in a named sealed envelope.
  • NB: Payment must be received before your child will get their yoyo

If you've already got a yoyo at home, dig it out and have a go.  Your child might want to bring it to school and join in the yoyo activity.

You can find out more about the NED show on NED's website:   NED's Mindset Mission Home Page

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