Newsletter Friday 20 November 2020
He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - warm greetings to all.
Keeping up the kindness - holiday baskets
We would like to get together some holiday baskets of treats to donate to families in need within our community. If you know of a family who would benefit from a basket of treats to make their Christmas brighter, please nominate them here. This is an anonymous form so we will not be able to tell who has done the nominating. If you are a family in need and this would make a difference to you, please feel free to nominate your own family. We would love your help to identify our families in need.
While we know we have families who are struggling, we also know we have families who are in a position to help others. If you are in a position to help, we would love a donation towards our holiday hampers. We are looking for things like chocolate, coffee, herbal tea, holiday treats, bubbles (or sparkling grape juice), small gifts, biscuits and this sort of thing. We will have a box in the office where these items can be placed.
Ridgway Car Boot Sale
Next year, our Term 1 fundraising is going to be a Car Boot Sale on the field. People will be able to hire a car space and sell their own goods. We are thinking each space will cost $20 to hire and people keep the money they make in their own space. The date we have for this is Sunday 14 March 2021.
Dodgy driving around the school
Please be aware that doing a u-turn outside the school during drop off and pick times is a risky business. We are seeing a lot of near crashes at the moment! There is a street that runs off Mornington Road by the tennis club that you can safely use to turn in the direction you want to go, without doing any dodgy manoeuvres. We have asked our lovely community constable Tayla to come up and keep an eye on things so if you see her here, that is why!
Process for raising concerns
If you have any issues, the classroom teacher is your first point of contact. However, if you'd rather get in touch with the senior leadership team you are welcome to email Kathryn or Sarah. Our policies and procedures are on Schooldocs and you can log in with Ridgway as the username and RRRR as the password if you would like more information on this.
Ridgway School Chess Tournament - 24 players performed brilliantly
Vogelmorn Bowling Club was the scene for the epic chess battle between best in year and the top three players, which ended up being 1st equal (Ridgway style). In the chess world there is always one winner, determined by who they played and how they performed, this is called the tie break and in our tournament this was almost too close to call. However here at Ridgway we can accommodate 1st equals. Therefore, congratulations to Koen ME, Thomas T and Xavier J.

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Playground design by Mark Newdick, Photography by Andy Spain