Newsletter Thursday 28 May 2020

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - warm greetings to all.


Last week we asked for your opinions around fundraising and camp. We heard back from eight parents so thank you for taking the time to get in touch. Everyone who got in touch supported camps going ahead this year and only one family told us they would rather not be involved in fundraising. Kathryn has written a blog about fundraising so please do read about this here. In response to the feedback we've received (both last week and in the past) we have developed a fundraising plan specifically for our 2020 camps. This plan includes sausage sizzle and dumpling sales in place of Pita Pit and sushi brought in by external providers. We will be pausing Lunchonline (Pita Pit and sushi sales) during Term 3.

Classrooms on the field

There was much excitement this week with the classrooms being dropped onto the field! Kukupa and Kaka will be moving down to these buildings on the bottom field at the start of Term 3.

School photos

We are having our school photos on Friday 12 June. They will run in the usual way with families able to book in sibling photos from 8.30am. Information will be coming home from the photographers to book sibling photos next week.

Matariki celebration

We were planning a Matariki celebration on June 25th. As the government will not be making a decision on moving to Level 1 until June 22, we are unable to hold a Matariki celebration at school this year. Until we are able to have gatherings of over 100, school-wide events are on hold.

Covid-19 Safety Actions

Staggered Starts & Finish

We'll be keeping our later start and earlier finish for Year 1 and Year 2 children throughout Alert Level 2. This is to help parents maintain their social distance inside our grounds. We've noticed that the staggered start/finish is also having a positive impact on traffic congestion, even on those nasty wet days earlier in the week, which is a positive thing for everyone.

  • Year 1 children in Kōtare, Tūi and Ruru start at 9.30 and finish at 2.30.
  • Year 2 children in Tūi and Ruru start at 9.15 and finish at 2.45.

Classroom sanitising and contact tracing

During Alert Level 2 we ask that parents do not enter classrooms unless this is absolutely necessary. In most cases teachers are available to speak with you outside at a 2m distance. If you do need to come into a school building you must sign in and sanitise.

This applies to all classrooms including new entrants. We expect our 5 year olds to hang up their own bags and will help them if they need it.

Sarah Taylor

Deputy Principal

Ridgway School

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