Emergency Management

In a major event while people can rely on emergency services and civil defence to do their job, the reality is that this demand is likely to be overwhelming for all agencies in the immediate aftermath of an event. It could be up to three days before essential services such as water, power and telecommunications are restored, and damaged infrastructure (roads, rail, bridges) repaired. This is when individuals and communities are most vulnerable and it is essential that they plan to be able to look after themselves for at least three days. Here at Tawatawa - Ridgway we are committed to keeping everyone safe, we do this by having resources available (kai, water, staff).

Whole School Kai Supply

Every two years we ask whānau for two food items. For example:

1 can item - Spaghetti, Baked Beans, Creamed Corn, or Fruit...

1 packet item - a box of Muesli Bars, a big box of Raisins or a box of Barley Sugars...

These food items will be given to a food bank after two years, or kept if they have not expired.

Water Supply

We have a range of water containers full of water and our new sandpit water tank.

Common Questions and Answers

What happens to my tamariki while at school during an earthquake? Students at Tawatawa - Ridgway are taught earthquake safety response procedures. Teachers practise these procedures regularly throughout the year.

What happens to my tamariki in case of fire at the school? Students are taught fire safety procedures. Teachers practise these procedures regularly throughout the year.

What about other emergencies?

The school has the necessary policies and procedures in place to meet the safety requirements of the Education, Civil Defence and Health and Safety in Employment Acts.  We have engaged the services of Harrison Tew (emergency planning specialists) to assist us in developing our Emergency Management Plan. 

All teachers hold a current first aid qualification and are able to assist anyone injured until professional medical assistance arrives.
Should the school for safety reasons decide to close early, students will not be released except to a parent/caregiver or other approved adult (this information is on the Emergency Contact List form, that should be updated by you every year). It is vital that you do not leave the school grounds with your tamariki until they have been released to you by their teacher.
Should the school be required to evacuate to another location, every effort will be made to advise parents/caregivers through the media and other means of the new location. Students will not be released except to a parent/caregiver or other approved adult.

In the event of an emergency:

Do not panic! Staff know what to do. Tamariki will be looked after until they are collected. Try not to use the phone as this ties up the lines for emergency calls.
Do not take risks on the road trying to reach the school until you know it is safe to travel. Listen to your radio for road reports and advice from the emergency services and/or Civil Defence.

Contact us at the office with questions: office@ridgway.school.nz or call 939 8771.

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