Te Reo

All tamariki in our mainstream classes learn Te Reo Māori (minimum 30 minutes per day) and all attend kapa haka every week. Henare Parata provides weekly taiaha sessions as an extension activity for tamariki in Year 5-8.

School karakia: Te Aka Tangata

Tuia i runga 

Tuia i raro 

Tuia i roto

Tuia i waho 

Tuia i te here tangata

Ka rongo te po, ka rongo te ao 

Tihei Mauriora

Karakia used by our kahui ako

Ka whakairia te tapu
Kia watea ai te ara
Kia tūruki whakataha ai
Kia tūruki whakataha ai
Hui e, tāiki e

Restrictions are moved aside
So the pathway is clear
To return to everyday activities
To return to everyday activities
Enriched, unified and blessed.

Whakataka te hau

Whakataka te hau ki te uru
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga
Kia mākinakina ki uta
Kia mātaratara ki tai
E hī ake ana te atakura
He tio, he huka, he hau hū
Tīhei mauri ora!

Cease the winds from the west
Cease the winds from the south
Let the breeze blow over the land
Let the breeze blow over the ocean
Let the red-tipped dawn come with a sharpened air.

A touch of frost, a promise of a glorious day.


We sing lots of waiata during our assemblies, at kapa haka and in class. You can see the words by following this link.


Toia mai te waka nei

Kumea mai te waka nei

Ki te takotoranga i takoto ai

Tiriti te mana motuhake

Te tangi a te manu e


Kui! Kui! Kui!

Whiti whiti ora

Hui e taiki e (x2)

(Haka Interlude)

Ko komako! Ko komako!
Ko te hautapu e rite ki te kai na Matariki

Tapa reireia koia tapa

Tapa kononua koiana tukua

Hi aue hi.

Kaea: Ko te Hunga Rangatahi e ngunguru nei

Katoa: Au, au, aue ha!

Kaea: Ko Te Ara Kahiwi e ngunguru nei

Katoa: Au, au, aue ha!

Kaea: I ahaha!

Katoa: Ka tu te ihiihi, ka tu te wanawana

Ki runga i te rangi e tu iho nei, tu iho nei


Karakia Kai

Kia taku whānau
Me nga hoa
Me te kai
Kia ora

For our families,
our friends,
and our food,
we say thank you.
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