What will my tamariki be using a computer for?

Tamariki in Years 1-3 use carefully selected educational games on the internet or ipad app. They also take photos and record video of their learning activities to post to Spotlight.

From Year 4 tamariki learn how to use a range of Google based tools - staring with Google Docs and Slide Shows. They will also be using Mathletics at school and at home to practice basic facts and mathematical concepts. Tamariki are taught to use the internet to find the answers to their questions. They are learning to make judgements about how reliable a website is and how to find the specific information they need.

A small number of tamariki also use internet based applications such as Lexia to support their literacy learning. These children should be accessing Lexia for 10-30 minutes per day, depending on their age.

Senior students will learn to make video presentations - editing clips and adding music. They will also be introduced to our robots, and learn some simple coding.

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