21 April 2020

Moving into Alert Level 3

The Education for Alert Levels Doc sets out what schools should be doing at Alert Level 3 to maintain the safety of staff and children. These guidelines make it very clear that while it is school, it's not as we know it.

Children who need to come to school will

  • Be assigned to a 'school bubble' and remain with this group throughout Level 3.

  • stay in 1 classroom

  • be assigned a desk or table to sit at, and will spend most of their time there (siblings might share a table).

  • keep 1m away from all others, except for their siblings, while inside.

  • carry on with their distance learning while at school, including use of Papa Kainga TV at times and video conferencing with their Whānau teachers as scheduled (unless whānau teacher is also their bubble teacher).

  • have time outside for exercise with their bubble - but there will be no use of shared equipment or games that bring children within 2m of each other. The school playground will not be used.

  • NOT play or talk to children in other bubbles.

  • have limited access to school equipment - it will need to be cleaned before others use it. Some toys and play items will not be available.

  • help with daily cleaning of surfaces.

  • be sent home immediately if they have runny noses or coughs or exhibit any other signs of being unwell no matter how minor.

Working from home will certainly be a better option for most children.

*We won't be taking the Teacher Only Day on Tuesday 28 April because we know that sticking to the routines of the school day is good for families who have working parents. Most of our Year 4 - 8 learners will be able to work largely independently allowing parents time to get their own work done. For parents of our younger children teachers will be able to provide some contact time and possibly a lovely story and activity. We know that this might not suit everybody - but remember, it's up to you how much you engage with the learning programme provided.

**This blog is copied from my COVID-19 Diary

I have been keeping a diary during lock down which you can read here. It's not exciting or entertaining, but for those that are interested, this is where I have been gathering my thoughts and explaining what we (leaders and staff at Ridgway School) are doing and why we are doing it as we all grapple with the impact of this pandemic.

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