Friday the 13th ….of October
He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles
Kai and waiata night - Thursday 19 October 5.30 - 7pm
This is happening next week! Come along and enjoy waiata and then stay for the kai. There will be a sausage sizzle (vegetarian option available) and please bring a plate of food to share. At our Matariki evening, we asked everyone to BYO plates and cutlery. If everyone could do this again, that would be fabulous! If you’re happy to help with the BBQ, just let Sarah know on the night and she will give you a job.
Sunhats and sunblock
Let’s not get burned out there in the brutal New Zealand sun (which made a brief appearance yesterday and there’s a rumour we will see it again Thursday after next). Sunhats need to be worn every day, even on cloudy days, and they are available to purchase from the office for $15.
Kids Voting
Our Year 5 - 8s voted in a mock election this week. We will compare the results of our election with how our electorate and country votes (😬😬😬) on Saturday. Results will be in next week’s newsletter.
Lucky Book Club
Lucky Book Club orders are due on Wednesday 25 October. Orders must be made through the Scholastic website:
The Issue 7 catalogue is also available to view online through that link.
Chess Tournament
Mark, our chess tutor, will be running a chess tournament on Tuesday 14 November. It is $5 per student and anyone who can play chess is welcome to enter. Please fill in the form by Friday 27 October.
Our German interns
We have two lovely German interns with us this term. Laurenz is in Tūī and Melissa is in Kōtare. Say hi if you see them!
Upcoming Events
19 October and 26 October - Tūī trips to Ākau Tangi
19 October 5.30pm 7pm - Kai and Waiata night
23 October Labour Day - school closed
2 November - Southern Zone Athletics
8 November - Makara peak Bike Monitors’ trip
14 November - Chess tournament
4 - 8 December - STEM week
21-22 November - Ridgway’s Got Talent! - Auditions
12 December at 2pm - Ridgway’s Got Talent!
14 December - Year 8 leavers’ celebration 5.30 - 6.30pm
14 December - Final Assembly Juniors 2pm
15 December - Final Assembly Seniors 2pm
18 December - water fight and sausage sizzle (postponement day 19 December)
19 December- last day of learning activities school
20 December - clean up day
1 Feb 2024 - first day of school
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