
Friday 11 August 

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Parent survey

We would love for you to fill out this short and remarkably enjoyable survey.  This will help us shape the future direction of the school. It should only take you five minutes or so and we thank you in advance.  

Opening of our new slides

We expect that work will be finished on these in the next couple of weeks, depending on the weather. When they are ready to be opened, we will have an in-school celebration. We will  draw a couple of names out of a figurative hat and in this way, choose two lucky children to have the first slides! The whole school will go out and watch this delightful event and then everyone will get the chance to have a play on them. 

The pox!

Chicken pox is doing the rounds at the moment. Keep your eye out for spots!

Calendar Art

Calendar Art, made by tamariki, will be uploaded to Spotlight next week. You can order this artwork, turned into calendars, diaries, mouse pads, cards and more via the ordering form. All orders are due by 3pm Friday 25 August. These will be sent off then delivered back to school in Term 4, in time for Christmas! 

Swimming Sports

We had our school Swimming Sports yesterday for our Year 4 - 8s.  Instead of children deciding at the pool which events they wanted to compete in, we asked them before the day. This meant that we didn’t have a whole lot of children who didn’t want to take part at all, sitting on the sideline. Thank you to the wonderful parents who came along and helped out with timing and recording. The names for the Southern Zones competition (coming up on Tuesday 22 August) will be out shortly. 

Upcoming Events

18 August - Mid Term Hui at 9.10am

22 August - Southern Zones swimming

23 - 25 August - First Aid classes

25 August - Calendar Art orders due

12 September - Artsplash at the Michael Fowler Centre 5pm

Community News 

Sarah Patterson
Deputy Principal
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School
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